
.htaccess - Fun with it !

Introduction The Apache web server has a number of configuration options that are available to...

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error help, 500 error Internal server errors can be caused by a few different...

Cant Access my site?

We receive lots of queries from our client saying that why i'm not being able to access my site....

Disable caching with .htaccess

Quick .htaccess snippet to disable browser caching by modifying Cache-Control, Pragma, and...

How to Block certain IP address?

Web servers can host many different domains on one hosting account under Linux/Apache, and public...

How to Force SSL on all pages?

How to force HTTPS using the .htaccess file   To force all web traffic to use HTTPS insert the...

How to Migrate Accounts with Zamfoo Migrator?

Zamfoo Migr@tor is a tool to manage moving client accounts onto the server. Migr@tor processes...

How to Register Private Nameservers?

Why register nameservers? New nameservers need to be registered with your registrar before they...

How to add site on Cloudflare? - Prevent DDoS and SpamBot attack

Signing up for CloudFlare is incredibly easy and takes less than 5 minutes. This article outlines...

How to change a php.ini value?

We use suPHP in all of our servers. So you can modify your php.ini value very easily! All you...

How to create email auto-responder in cPanel?

cPanel Auto Responder feature allows you to automatically send response messages in reply to...

How to flush your DNS cache?

If you are coming to CentrioHost from another hosting company, you may be required to clear your...

How to switch hosts?

Switching to a new host can be a very smooth process or it can be very complicated. Following...

How to transfer cPanel accounts from another server?

This tutorial will show you how you can create FULL BACKUP and remotely upload this to your new...

How to transfer email accounts and messages between cPanel servers?

If you want to transfer the email accounts and messages for a domain from one server to another,...

How to use Jetpack / WP Super Cache with WordPress?

CentrioHost servers block remote connection to xmlrpc.php or, wp-cron.php for security reason....

Not able to see my website!

We have sometime receive clients complain of server not reachable, while their IP are blocked by...

Register_Global ON?

Since register_globals is disabled on the servers for security purposes, some of your scripts and...

Unable to browse my domain name after order!

The Problem We have seen this problem rarely with some of our customers. They CAN browse their...

Which port can I use to connect to a MySQL database?

Port 3306 can be used for remote MySQL connections. You will need to configure access in the...

Why am I unable to change my file permissions for Joomla components?

The ProblemThis is a known issue with Joomla. When you install any Joomla components thru...

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