
HTTP Error Codes !

400 Bad Request The user’s request contains incorrect syntax.   401 Unauthorized The...

How To Set Up A Cron Job

This tutorial is going to show you how to setup a cron job in cPanel the easy way. You can set a...

How can I enable Mod-Rewrite Module?

In order to enable Mod_Rewrite for your site you should create a text file called .htacccess in...

How can I login into cPanel / WHM / Webmail?

You can login to cPanel by :

How do I auto-redirect my web pages?

Redirects are used when you want to point a specific url or web page to another location. For...

How do I configure my desktop's mail client with an email account?

A mail client is an application you use to check your email. The mail client can be either web...

I have problems accessing my mysql database remotely

If you have problems accessing your database remotely please make sure that: You are using the...

Stats not updating!

We allow our customers to update the stat by themselves. So login to your AWSTATS and click on...

What's the Hostname & Port for MySQL?

When configuring any of your scripts on the server, use the following connection info to connect...

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