Dear Clients,

As you are aware of the new changes in the cPanel pricing structure where they are charging $0.20 (BDT 25 Tk) per cpanel account hence, we are forced to restructure all our reseller hosting plans (including Master, Alpha & Super Alpha) to a model that suits the new policies.


· All plans will now have a limit on the number of accounts that can be created under Reseller, Master, Alpha & Super Alpha.

· This limit includes your sub reseller accounts as well if you are Master, Alpha & Super Alpha.

· The limit has been set to an initial value depending on the plan and can be increased anytime on request.

· Apart from the free accounts included in the plan, Each additional account will be charged $0.20 and can be purchased in bulk quantity or as a pay per go, model.

· For existing resellers, we shall calculate the sub-accounts under them and will bill them according to the new pricing model. For example, if you have 50 additional accounts apart from the free accounts in your plan, you will be billed $10 (50 x 0.20) in the next invoice along with the plan charges.

· For existing resellers, we shall limit the number of accounts that can be created to the nearest round to 5 i.e if you are having 52 cPanels under you, your default limit will be set to 55.

· There is also a slight adjustment in pricing for a few plans wherever necessary.

· This will be the new model for the entire web hosting industry and shall be adopted by you as soon as possible to avoid any losses.

· There won't be any unlimited accounts plan any further.

· All the new limits have been set keeping in mind the maximum free accounts that can be offered & the server charges in the given plan.

· All resellers shall remove scrap accounts to prevent the billing of such accounts.

· There is still confusion with how limits will be implemented for master, alpha and especially Super Alpha. We are closely working with the WHMAMP team and shall update you soon on this.

New Reseller plans structure will be sent in the PDF file along with mail and will also be found on our website

This new policy shall be implemented for existing resellers from 1st August 2019 and is already implemented for new customers. 


Web Hosting Bangleadesh



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